April is the cruelest month…

April 25, 2007 at 11:11 pm (coincidence, poetry, T. S. Eliot, Umberto Eco, writers)

Today I went to Chapters and picked up Umberto Eco’s latest piece of fiction, The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, and was delighted to discover that the character’s adventures arise on the same day I began to read them.

The Mysterious Flame excites me due to the fact that it’s an Eco book with an amnesiac as a main character, but especially since it’s illustrated with a plethora of European magazine and comic clippings. In full color! And they’re actually foot-noted!

My “plan” is to read this twice in a row, first by my lonesome and then with the aid of this wiki. These annotations will aid me with Eco’s notorious intertextuality and, at a glance, they appear to be more fully illustrated than the book. Plenty of translations, photography, paintings, maps, and stamps to inform me of Man’s barren memory. Eco says this is his last piece of fiction so I’m gonna milk it for all it’s worth.

April, since it is so cruel, is also poetry month and I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to post something of mine, whether it be old or new. Only five days left. We’ll see.

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