As if I didn’t already know.

March 8, 2007 at 6:42 am (poetry, quiz, writers)

Here’s me taking a quiz, second-hand rip off for the deuxième fois wise.

So much for that epic Joycean novel. I suppose they’re just long poems anyway.

You Should Be A Poet

You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.
And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery…
Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.
You’re already naturally a poet, even if you’ve never written a poem.

What Type of Writer Should You Be?


  1. truth9 said,

    While it’s obvious that the creator of the quiz had no clue how to describe a poet (I mean, the first sentence of the description is okay, but the next two are just sad), it did turn up the truth of how you write.

    Pretty good.

    Also, congratulations on your third post. Considering that I’ve been visiting the site daily since you mentioned it, I’m glad to see it.

  2. asfarasthoughtcanreach said,


    Although the Creator of the Quiz embraced a cliché I’m not sure how I’d describe a poet.

    A mass of contradictions, each one paranoid that the others will make fun of him? Brown hair, blue eyes, lanky and of medium height?

    And congratulations, your comments are showing up.

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